
FT Mercati - Real Time Commodity Prices

Real-time raw material quotation:
data provision and analysis, consulting and training

Real-Time Commodity Prices: Analysis and sharing of up-to-date data. FT Mercati is the LME (The London Metal Exchange) licensed expert for real-time commodities pricing, consulting, data analysis and training. Metal prices quoted on the LME are used as a reference for global trade.

Generally, companies and investors rely on LME prices to assess the value of their inventories and to make buying and selling decisions. FT Mercati is one of the main reference points for manufacturing companies that process or sell the material and for public entities that recycle scrap.


EUR/USD 1.086 EUR/JPY 167.84 EUR/BGN 1.9558 EUR/CZK 25.37 EUR/DKK 7.4626 EUR/GBP 0.84378 EUR/HUF 390.95 EUR/PLN 4.274 EUR/RON 4.9718 EUR/SEK 11.7325 EUR/CHF 0.9594 EUR/NOK 11.937 EUR/TRY 35.7984 EUR/AUD 1.6559 EUR/BRL 6.117 EUR/CAD 1.5009 EUR/CNY 7.875 EUR/HKD 8.4782 EUR/IDR 17694.04 EUR/ILS 3.9788 EUR/INR 90.9495 EUR/KRW 1505.15 EUR/MXN 19.9254 EUR/MYR 5.058 EUR/NZD 1.8427 EUR/PHP 63.377 EUR/SGD 1.4594 EUR/THB 39.112 EUR/ZAR 19.8121 EUR/ISK 149.7



According to OPEC in its July monthly report, crude oil demand in the main countries was estimated for 2025 as follows ...


According to OPEC in its July monthly report, crude oil demand in the main countries was estimated for 2024 as follows ...


OPECNA, the news agency of OPEC, announced the OPEC Basket preliminary price
18 JULY = $ 84.43 /b (down ...


In the summary below, the margins of the main metals (all unchanged from the previous update).
COPPER (25 tonnes ...


North American primary aluminium production was increasing in first 5 month 2024 compared to same period of 2023, ...


According to preliminary data from International Aluminium Institute (IAI), in may 2024, primary aluminium daily ...