Commodities Quotations, FT Mercati



Commodities Quotations: FT Mercati

Real-Time Raw Material Quotation:
Metals, Alloys, Scrap, Ferroalloys

Raw materials play a crucial role in the global economy and form the basis for the production of various industrial and consumer products. Among the most significant raw materials are industrial metals, alloys, scrap and ferroalloys.

  • Industrial Metals: industrial metals are materials widely used in the production of goods and services. Among the most common are Iron, Aluminium, Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Lead and Tin. Industrial metal prices depend on various factors, including supply and demand, global economic conditions and currency fluctuations.
  • Alloys: alloys are mixtures of two or more metals or of a metal with other elements. They often possess superior properties compared to individual metals. The prices of alloys vary according to their specific composition and demand in sectors such as automotive, aeronautics and construction.
  • Scrap: scrap is recycled metal material from industrial waste, demolition or the circular economy. Scrap prices are influenced by factors such as availability, purity of the material and demand from steel mills and foundries.
  • Ferroalloys: ferroalloys are alloys of iron with other elements such as manganese, chromium or nickel. Ferroalloy prices are closely linked to steel production and metal price fluctuations.

FT Mercati specialises in providing real-time data and analysis of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys, scrap and ferroalloys.